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摘要: 思维方式决定了科学家是否可以将一个很复杂的问题、很深奥的问题转化为一个可行解的方式,从而使得某些所谓“不可知论”的科学理论或科学猜想变得“可触摸”、“可知”。我们假设每一个学科相当于一个方向,多个学科的综合相当于不断扩大自身的知识半径,实际上相当于升维,从而给单纯的数学中融入哲学、文学的思维,才取得了如此大的成就。

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  1. 1 楼 rainer.gerhards.net

    Lovely to connect with you a few days ago Matthew, I love this concept of Gaian mind and wonder if you could refer me to any articles. I would seriously like to keep in contact with you, especially now you are back in the UK and would love to find a way to collaborate with you, using my personal experience as well as my skills as a Holistic Life coach. I totally love what you say “Coaching has to evolve out of personal self-development and the (shallow) desire for greater individual success and happiness. The tools and techniques developed to achieve that are still useful and valid – but what good is success in a broken world? Adapting and even thriving in a crumbling world is a very different goal and is far less individualistic and far more collaborative.” Couldn’t agree moreI think you make the argument for the article in your argument against it in that the article is “about something and not about everything.” It is strictly limited to the brief point it is making and is not about “doing the work of creating a healthy ideology.” Granted, that work needs to be done but that’s not the point of the article.Thank you Charlie – your article has given me hope again.We are not experiencing many helpful connections right now.An over emphasis on medication, no access to therapy and meeting with a care co-ordinator once a month is literally breaking us.The mental health system is disconnected and empathy, time to listen and compassion feel like a luxury most of us cannot afford.It is such a devastating response to those experiencing trauma and as a mother I am furious that my daughter is becoming invisible.Thanks for your work and website –

    2023年02月19日 10:02:42 回复 取消回复
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